The Authors

Senin, 19 Mei 2014

Cara Mudah Mendesain Rumah dengan Sweet Home 3D

Bisa mendesain rumah sendiri bisa menjadi kebanggan bagi banyak orang. Kini hal itu bisa diwujudkan dengan menggunakan software Sweet Home 3D. Software gratis ini dibuat khusus  untuk desain interior rumah dengan tampilan 3D secara instant.

Dengan software ini kita tidak perlu membuat dari nol objek-objek seperti tembok, jendela, kursi, dsb. Objek-objek tersebut sudah tersedia (lengkap) di software Sweet Home 3D ini, tinggal drag & drop. Sebelum anda mencoba software ini alangkah baiknya jika anda memahami fungsi dari bagian-bagian aplikasi Sweet Home 3D ini, untuk lebih jelasnya perhatikan gambar dan keterangannya dibawah ini :

Bagian-bagian pada aplikasi Sweet Home 3D
  1. Bagian 1, Furniture catalog

    Jendela ini berisi semua furniture dan object yang ingin anda tambahkan ke desain anda. Anda bisa menambahkan object misalkan sebuah meja hanya dengan klik lalu drag ke lembar kerja / home plan (pada Bagian 3).

  2. Bagian 2, Home furniture list

    Jendela ini menampilkan daftar furniture / objek apa saja pada desain rumah anda, lengkap dengan nama, ukuran dan spesifikasi lainnya.

  3. Bagian 3, Home Plan

    Jendela ini berfungsi sebagai tempat untuk mendesain rumah / lembar kerja dengan sudut pandang dari atas (2 dimensi).

  4. Bagian 4, Home 3D View

    Jendela ini menampilkan rumah ada secara 3 Dimensi secara otomatis, sesuai dengan apa yang anda gambar pada bagian Home plan / lembar kerja . Karena 3D, sehingga anda bisa melihat rumah tersebut dari sisi mana saja (atas, bawah, samping, dsb).


Minggu, 04 Mei 2014

10 Tips Every New Landscape Architecture Professional Needs To Know

Landscape architect Brodie McAllister gives us his thoughts on what new landscape architecture professionals need to know in the first years of their career:
At university, you have to balance deadlines for design and written work with a social life and the pressures of funding your place. You are challenged to let your imagination fly then pulled back to Earth with the consideration of practical details. This, to an extent, prepares you for the workplace after you graduate.

 However, nothing prepares you for work quite like “work”. 
What should you know or do, beyond what tutors have probably told you, to succeed in those first couple of years?
It can be a bit of a hard landing when you finally get a job — there may be initial feelings of elation as you are released into the real world” and a sense of independence. But in time, reality can kick in” if your expectations are unrealistic.
I want to offer some candid advice from my own experience, with a couple of anecdotes thrown in, so it isnt necessarily beholden to some official line.

1. This isn’t boot camp

Bootcamp; credit: Tatagatta /
Bootcamp; credit: Tatagatta /
Remember, your job isn’t a continuation of college, and the employer doesn’t owe you training. This is business. Most employers will have a sense of responsibility toward mentoring you and guiding you to the experience you need to pass professional exams (e.g. Chartership in the U.K.). However, they are not obliged to — and some donʼt. Be the type of employee you would employ if it were your business — because the deadlines and time sheets are about money now, too, not just ideas. Itʼs expensive running an office, and the business owner is the one taking the main risks.
2. Be a sponge 
Be a sponge; credit:  Krasimira Nevenova /
Be a sponge; credit: Krasimira Nevenova /
Learn as much technically/contractually as you can and get broad experience as soon as possible so you can branch out and do your own thing, if that’s  what you want. You will make mistakes, so learn from them. For example, you may struggle toward some project deadlines or to reach or understand the presentation standards required. Donʼt worry. Keep working hard in an organized way and show keenness to learn new skills and acquire new knowledge. The best comeback from a mistake is to go on to impress them.
Use those first couple of years to find out what might be your preferred area of specialization, and keep working toward that. For some, there is nothing more liberating and satisfying than eventually being your own boss. You can take all the credit!
3. Pack your bags, we’re off

Where will you end up, Central Park; credit:  Stuart Monk /
Where will you end up?, Central Park, New York; credit: Stuart Monk /
Always grab the chance to work abroad. When I graduated, it was the start of a world recession. I thought that it would be better to suffer the recession abroad, while getting a great life experience. I chose New York and then San Francisco because, through reading magazines, I had admired what the profession did there. It was not easy working in difficult times, classified as a temporary alien”, but I had a terrific four years and got some extraordinary experience, meeting wonderful people along the way. The work we do can be international, and the experience you gain can give you the perspective you need to pursue that. Who knows, you may like it so much you stay.
4. Take off the rose-tinted glasses
Drafting, not as exciting as it may seem but essential; credit: Maksym Dykha /
Drafting, not as exciting as it may seem but essential; credit: Maksym Dykha /
Don’t always expect to do the fun, creative design work in the early stages of training. This depends on which country you are in. My experience in the U.K. as a young graduate was that I did get the responsibility of the conceptual design work on huge projects. I thrived on it. But then there was a depressing bump when I was asked to do drafting of what I perceived to be boring standard details again. In America, they tend to be more structured and give conceptual design the top priority, to be done by the most experienced staff.
This explains why we still import and revere their designers more than they do ours, although Europe has become more advanced in the last two decades in terms of opportunities to complete exciting projects. For many graduates, though, their raised expectation of being given this responsibility may lead to the biggest disappointment they will endure. Instead, refer to my point 2 above: Itʼs the bedrock of good design, and good design flows into the technical implementation.
5.  Face the fear of leaving
Remember: If you find you are not suited to this job or to a certain way of working as a landscape architect, try something else. Transfer your skills. This may be necessary if you are in a recession and finding it hard to get a job. Donʼt feel morally obliged to stick to what youʼve been trained to do. Itʼs your life. Landscape architecture is supposed to be a vocational profession, but therein lies a little professional conditioning that tries to keep hold of you. Landscape architects are well set up to follow other career paths, such as art, film, the contractor or commercial side of landscape products, or anything environmental. Even if you need to get further experience or qualifications, if you are flogging a dead horse”, make the change now.
6. Don’t go chasing waterfalls

Getting good experience is often worth more than working for a “famous” office.
When I taught at university, Iʼd always hear students express their desire to work for one of the big glam names. After all, that is where they believed they would have the most fun on the most prestigious projects. Their experience, in hindsight, didnʼt always match this expectation. Worst-case scenario, they would be used as CAD slaves fueling the projects of ego-laden bosses.
7.  Learn to survive
Surviving in the first few years is often more about getting along with people and meeting deadlines. As I got frustrated at times that I wasnʼt getting what I wanted work wise. I noticed that less talented (in my view) people were doing well (in their employerʼs eyes) by not having any design pretensions. Draw your own conclusions, but never lose your design ambitions.
8. Write your way to the top

Write for LAN, contact us today; credit: lenetstanb / shutterstock, modification by SDR
Write for LAN, contact us today; credit: lenetstanb / shutterstock, modification by SDR
Record, write, and broadcast if you’re good at it. Don’t just design. In San Francisco, in the early 1990s, I got to work alongside Lawrence Halprin on various projects. He was quoted as saying that his secret to success was as much about writing about it as doing it. Often, writing about it or expressing your ideas in alternative mediums is part of the creative process of doing it.” The world needs more good communicators whose objectives have integrity. While you are at it, collect and record your own experiences, as a good writer would do. They will be useful in selling” yourself, perhaps starting with a website.
9. The specialist
After the initial foundational experience, specialize if you can and now know which area, e.g. urban design, land art, landscape journalism, whichever best suits you. For me, that meant specializing in a site art-based approach, enhanced by my experience.
Street decorated with colored umbrellas.Madrid,Ge tafe, Spain; credit Lukasz Janyst /
What’s your specialty? – Street decorated with colored umbrellas. Madrid,Ge tafe, Spain; credit Lukasz Janyst /
The know-how of being a landscape architect is an advantage in this case over fine art” graduates (unless you have no artistic vision). Equally, I always saw myself as being better at creative writing than project management. Itʼs all about being creative, ultimately, and following and growing your strengths; just different levels of function, problem solving, and practicability.
The modern profession, certainly in the U.K., now encourages specialization. We need extra skill and power at visual impact analysis, for instance, as this is a growth area. You may be typecasting yourself, but there are advantages if you do this in a growth area. This is the opposite of the view that used to be held that a more jack of all trades” approach would ensure success.
Cultivate your contacts; credit: carlosgardel /
Cultivate your contacts; credit: carlosgardel /
10. Grow your connections
Cultivate your contacts as they grow — therein lies opportunity. Friends you work with or who you cross paths with in connection with your career may provide fruitful opportunities either now or in the future. In particular, I always try to keep in touch with many of my ex-students.
Years later, I have worked with several of them, and my enjoyment and trust is enhanced by the knowledge that I hung on to them as contacts. People usually only create employment for others if there is some mutual benefit. Ideally, they will only work with people they get along with, respect, trust, and who share the same vision/beliefs. That is made considerably easier if you donʼt meet for the first time at an interview.
In summary, work hard at what you enjoy, even if this leads you off on a tangent. Be realistic in your expectations — it doesnʼt prevent you from being ambitious. Trust your instinct to lead yourself, and embrace those who open up opportunity and who you get along with, even if it means changing paths drastically. If in doubt, there is no shame in just surviving tough times. Put a positive spin on everything. Your life can tell a great story, so collect and record that memory as you go.

 Interest others in that journey –communicate well. Be honest about your strengths and weaknesses, and work more on the former, moving away from the latter when you can. Be in awe of interesting people, not of fame alone. Have fun and travel. 

Remember that even creativity relies on work and, in turn, some level of skill and knowledge — just not knowledge for its own sake.
As Einstein once said  – “never memorize something that you can look up”. Keep your mind free for invention. 

Donʼt forget that landscape architecture is half business, half environmental design. How you interpret that is up to you if youʼve forged your own way — or up to your employer to determine as long as you are not the boss. Look for the employer who makes decisions through discussion, consensus, and shared vision — and be that person yourself.
A man of great insight; Albert Einstein Memorial in at the National Academy of Sciences in WashingtonDC, USA; credit: Hang Dinh /
Article written by Brodie McAllister
Brodie McAllister has spent the last 25 years dividing his time between the design of large urban parks and squares and urban strategies to garden design and land/site art, in Asia, France, the U.S., and the U.K. This was interspersed with teaching. He has received a number of awards, published many articles, and received publicity in a wide range of books and magazines. He can be contacted at

from :

Senin, 31 Maret 2014

The CrescenDo's : Behind The Scenes

        Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

        Sumpah ini formal banget, tapi gapapa lah ya sekali-sekali. Yeay ~ Oh ya kali ini gw bakal cerita tentang asal muasal, ceileeeh ~ hahaha :D Oke kembali ke topic. Tentang asal mula nama blog kita, "The Crescendo's". Oke begini ceritanya.

         Berawal dari sebuah tugas Pengantar TIK yang disuruh bikin website. Kita bingung mau di kasih nama apa blog kita. Apalagi waktu itu kita gak ada waktu sama sekali buat ngerjain. Biasalah namanya juga anak kos, bingung mau pulang lah ke kampung halaman apalagi kemaren ada liburan yang yah bisa dibilang cukup panjang lah buat anak yang kampungnya masih di sekitar Jawa Timur. Oke, setelah itu kita berinisiatif untuk menyeleseikan konsep web kita dalam waktu sehari. Hebat banget gak sih kita. YEAY~

lagi pusing mikir nama website
        Disela-sela menyelesaikan konsep web kita akhirnya sampai ke masalah vital. Vital? Apa'an coba? Masalahnya yaitu judul web kita. Kita mah kagak mau nama web kita sembarangan. Akhirnya kita memberikan usulan masing-masing. Mulai dari "The Story of Us", "The Power of Us","Let's Make It Happen", dll. Setelah buaaaaanyak banget usulan. Akhirnya kita pusing sendiri. Karena menurut kita kagak ada yang cocok ama kepribadian kita. Setelah lelah akhirnya si Gholy nyari kata-kata dari list playernya dia. Akhirnya dia nemu sebuah judul lagu " Crescendo". Lagu ini nyeritain tentang keinginan seseorang untuk meraih sesuatu dan nggak pernah putus asa buat ngeraih keinginan mereka itu. Lagu notabenenya lagu korea. Tapi liriknya utu loo berooo dalem banget. Ini cuplikan liriknya dalem bahasa Inggris bero.
My voice touches the sky and rings
Until the clouds can hear me, until I am satisfied

Look at the sunset
Whether it’s an early morning wish
Or a story of a painful love
Just say it first, just as you wanted
Don’t give up without even starting
Take that small dream that settled deep in your heart
Thanks – today’s weather is joyful
Don’t cry, you can fly
You don’t even try
         Akhirnya kita sepakat pake nama The CrescenDo's, karena menurut pendapat kita, kita ini dilahirkan untuk meraih mimpi dan tidak berputus asa. Di ITN pun kita sedang dalam proses meraih mimpi masing-masing. Dan kita pun berusaha untuk tidak berputus asa. Just like crescendo, we hope getting higher and closer to our dreams

The CrescenDo's Author : Maya Yusufa


       Namaku Maya Yusufa , biasa di panggil maya ,aku berasal dari Blitar. Blitar adalah kota kelahiranku.Aku mahasiswi Arsitektur ITN Malang. Alasanku masuk teknik arsitektur tu dulu karena aku suka menggambar , suka lihat bangunan – bangunan yang menarik dan unik. Dulu tu ya aku sebelum masuk arsitektur sebenernya aku pengen kuliah di jurusan tataboga tapi gk boleh sama ortu ,, (-_- ) ,

 ~~ya iyalah secara dulu juga smk gmbar bangunan tiba-tiba mau pindah haluan~~ :D


 Rasanya masuk jurusan arsitektur itu kereeen bangett (kta salah satu dosenku :3 ) aku jadi lebih bersemangat dalam belajar dan harus lebih berfikir kreativ dan inovatif serta suatu saat aku berkeinginan harus bisa membuat bangunan yang nyaman bagi penghuninya dan tidak merugikan alam. ~~~aseeeeekkkk~~~ 

Selain itu aku juga punya hobi menggambar,nonton drama korea,olahraga dan sangat suka memasak, walaupun aku anak kosan niye aku usaha in makan masakanku sendiri~~curhaaaatt~~ walaupun kadang rasa masakanku tu anehh  ~~OMONG OPO TO ~~  aku biasanya kalau gk ada tugas kuliah ,olah raga tu tiap malam sabtu sama teman kosan main bulutangkis atau sekedar olahraga lari doang di gedung sebelah kosan .


Sekarang ini aku masih semester II, di semester ke II ku ini aku berharap dan berusaha agar lebih baik dari semester kemarin. O iya foto yang di atas itu kedua temenku yng pakai sepatu merah itu Nindi dan yang satunya lagi adalah Gholy .Mereka sangak kocak dan friendly.Tapi sayang sekarang gk sekelas. :(   walaupun begitu kami harus ttep bisa bekerja sama dalam mengerjakan tugas kuliah ataupun hanya sekedar main - main doang.


 Aku punya hobi yang sangat sulit dihilangkan  yaitu nonton k-drama..sumpah gk bisa klu gk nonton sehari aja~~le to the bay~~ aku pengen banget bisa liburan ke korea ~~ngipi kali ye~~ gue ngefans bener sama aktor korea terutama sama oppa Lee Min Hoo..huuuuuuhh kapan ya bisa ketemu~~ngipi dulu kali ye ~~. 



Sabtu, 29 Maret 2014

The CrescenDo's Author : Nindi Amaliyah


 bonjour tout le monde, nous allons profiter de notre histoire  ^.^

       Pasti pada nanya, salam diatas pake bahasa apa? iyakan? ngaku aja deh. itu pake bahasa Perancis bero hehehe. Kenapa Perancis? Ya soalnya gw cita-cita pingin traveling kesana. Oh ya kenalin gw Nindi ( biasanya sih dipanggilnya gitu kalo di kampus, padahal juga kalo dirumah dipanggilnya ninin ato kalo kagak ya enggrong --' ), lengkapnya Nindi Amaliyah. Yang belom tau muka gw ini dia.

ini nih Nindi Amaliyah 

         Gw berasal dari Jember berooo, Jember. Lu tau kagak? Buat yang kagak tau Jember noh ada di Jawa Timur. Kalo masih gak tau, Jember noh asalnya Anang Hermansyah sama DePe. Masih kagak tau juga? Yaelah beroo kelaut aja deh. heheehe canda ^^V. Oh ya mungkin lu pada mikir ye kenapa gw ngomongnya gini? Ini kena pengaruh berooo, maklum gw sekosan banyak anak jakartanya. dan mereka ngomongnya lu-gw. Mau gak mau ya gw tertular juga dong ngomong beginiannya. Tapi gw bukan jamet lo ya. Inget GW BUKAN JAMET!!! Sial aja kalo sampe ada yang ngira gw jamet --' kalo jamet nih kayak gini nih contohnya.

ciri- ciri anak jamet

contoh real jamet
       Gw lahir 20 tahun silam tepatnya tanggal 25 Agustus di kasur rumah sakit "Margi Rahayu" (Alhamdulillah). Percaya ato ngga dulu pas waktu mau dilahirin gwnya kagak mau keluar, akhirnya si dokter terpaksa nge-kop kepala gw biar gw bisa keluar. hahaha aneh aneh aja yaak. Selang empat tahun kemudian adek gw yang pertama dan terakhir lahir ke dunia ini. Namanya Nanda Sugiharto. Gw cuma dua besodara. maklum orang tua gw ngikut program KB. Mungkin karena udah direncanain kali ya nama gw sama adek kayak kembar Nindi - Nanda. padahal kita kagak ada kembar-kembarnya acan.

my beloved parents
yang sebelah kiri itu Nanda, adek gw

      sejak kecil gw gak tinggal sama orang tua gw. Gw tinggal sama uti gw. yah walopun rumah gw sama rumah uti cuma sekitar 300 meter, tetep aja ya namanya juga tidur sama uti. Baru pas kelas 5 SD gw seperti menemukan jalan hidup (apa'an sih --') gw dan pindah dari rumah uti ke rumah orang tua gw. Setelah pindah baru gw nyadar, kalo tinggal sama orang tua itu jauh lebih nyaman dan enak ketimbang tinggal sama orang lain, meskipun itu orang tua dari orang tua kita. 

        Dari dulu gw pingin banget punya kaka cowo. Entah kenapa? kaya enak banget gitu punya kaka cowo. Kaya ada yang ngelindungi gitu. Pas gw nanya ama mama, eh gw malah diomelin katanya yang gak bersyukur lah, yang gak ini lah. Yang gak itu lah. Padahal kalo boleh milih nih, kalo boleh lo yaaa. Gw pingin punya kakak kaya Lee Jonghyun. Pada tau kagak? Itu loh Lead Guitarnya CNBlue. Dia tuh idaman banget deh. udah tinggi, putih, pinter bikin lagu, dan yang bikin gw kesemsem dia pinter main gitar bung. keren banget gak sih abang gw yang satu ini. Oh iya gw panggil dia abang ya maklum lah kan gw ngebet banget pingin punya abang. Mangkanya gw panggil dia Bang Jong hehehe..

Abang Jong Hyun
Abang Jong 2

        Phobia. Jelas ada lah. Siapa sih di dunia ini yang gak takut sama apapun? Kagak ada. Sama kayak gw, gw takut banget sama yang namanya ULET. udah kalo udah ada orang ngomongin binatang ntuh, udah dah mending gw nutup kuping aja. Habisnya kalo denger namanya disebut bisa bikin merinding sebadan tau. jadi mending gw stay away aja deh dari orang yang bilang ntu. Phobia gw yang kedua yaitu KUCING. Aneh? Emang. kata orang kucing itu lucu, imut, ngegemesin. Buat gw kucing mah kucing, hewan kurang ajar yang udah ngejar dan nyakr gw pas gw SD. kurang ajar banget gak sih? Maka dari itu, mulai detik itu, saat itu gw jadi anti banget sama kucing. Takut dicakar beroo.

        Sekolah? Dulu gw sekolah di sekolah yang well cukup favorite sih di Jember. Namanya SMA Negeri 1 Jember. Menimba ilmu 3 tahun disana membuat gw merasa masih banyak ilmu yang harus gua cari di luar sana. Masih banyak cita-cita yang harus gw kejar, harus gw raih. Bermodal tekad yang gede buat ngebanggain orang tua, akhirnya gw keluar dari comfort zone gw. Gw memutuskan buat hijrah ke Malang, menuntut ilmu, membuat bangga orang tua, mencoba hidup lebih hemat, mencoba menemukan arti hidup yang sesungguhnya, ceileeeehh :D dan well, gw sekarang disini. Kuliah Arsitekture di Institute Teknologi Nasional Malang.

fakultas gw tampak belakang
pintu masuk gedung fakultas gw

        kenapa gw milih jurusan ini? Well, mungkin karena dorongan papa gw ya. Maklum dia seorang kontraktor kecil-kecilan di Jember. Mungkin dia berharap anaknya dapat berkecimpung di bidang yang sama dengannya dan meraih sukses di bidang tersebut. Amin. Selain itu, gw juga berharap ntar kalo gw udah jadi orang gw bisa ngedesain rumah buat gw sendiri dan buat orang-orang disekitar gw. Dan atas usulan papa gw dan cita-cita gw, akhirnya gw milih jurusan arsitekture. Kenapa ITN? Kenapa yaa? Oh iya om gw pernah bilang kalo dia dulu pengen banget kuliah di ITN. Katanya ITN lulusannya berkualitas, dan diterima di perusahaan-perusahaan gede. Sebenernya gw dulu gak percaya, masa iya sih? bukannya swasta ya ITN? Akhirnya gw searching-searching di internet. dan ternyata bener. Akhirnya dengan basmallah gw mulai perjuangan gw di kota orang.

        Awalnya sulit, maklum gak pernah jauh dari orang tua, tapi akhirnya gw bisa menjalaninya hingga sekarang sudah 6 bulan gw di Malang. Alhamdulillahnya perjuangan gw gak sia-sia, semester ganjil kemaren nilai gue lumayan bisa bikin gw senyum walopun tipis banget. yang penting gw bisa ambil sks penuh di semester genap. Yang kudu gw lakuin di semester ini ya lebih banyak belajar, maklum latar belakang gw SMA kagak ngerti apa-apa soal bangunan. Jadi ya kuncinya kudu banyak baca dan jalan-jalan persis kaya yang pernah dosen gw bilang. SEAMANGAAAATTTT ! ! !

tampilan kalo kuliah


The CrescenDo's Author : Gholy


Assalamu'alaikum wr. wb

       Sitti Awalia Dewi Permatasari adalah nama keramat yang diberikan kedua orang tuaku. Kalau nggak salah, artinya "Putri Pertama yang Menjadi Permata Hati Orang Tua". Walaupun, kadang- kadang diledek karena Siti dalam bahasa Jawa, artinya TANAH.... Padahal, tanah itu kan bahan utama penciptaan manusia ya? Berarti......

       Gholy artinya "Yang Tak Ternilai Harganya", tercantum lho! Di Sholawat Nabi :) Bangga~
       Itu juga pemberian dari orang tua, bukan aku yang ngarang biar keliatan keren.... SUMPAH ^^v

       Lahir awal Maret, tepatnya 2 Maret 1995 di atas meja operasi gara - gara kebelit tali plasenta. Dengan pertolongan Prof. Dr. Sutomo Suwarto di RSI Aisyiah Malang. (Terima kasih Dokter ^-^) Ternyata, sejak masih orok aku sudah sangat aktif. Jadi, nggak heran kalau sekarang aku keliatan tomboy walau udah mati- matian buat insyaf dan kembali ke jalan feminim. Hasilnya..... GATOT alias Gagal Total~ Bahkan akhir- akhir ini aku semakin menggilai ilmu bela diri asal Korea, TaeKwonDo. Latihan rutin tiap hari dari jam 18.30 - 23.00 pun, aku jabanin demi bisa berprestasi.

       Saat ini, aku kuliah di Institut Teknologi Nasional Malang jurusan Arsitektur (Walaupun bertolak belakang dengan jurusan yang aku ambil saat duduk di SMK). Aku tertarik dengan dunia merancang bangunan ini karena,
       1. Sering takjub melihat proses pembangunan berdirinya sebuah gedung. From nothing to be something. (Efek jadi anak papa ku yang seorang karyawan di perusahaan kontraktor)
       2. Kebanyakan nonton drama Korea. (Suka banget ngelihat setting mereka yang keren)
       3. Suka banget lihat bangunan kuno (yang suasananya vintage banget) / tradisional yang unik (ex. ukiran semar yang berjejer di atap rumah yang difungsikan sebagai penolak bala. Bisa dilihat di daerah JaTeng)

        Walau dilihat dari nilai semester 1-ku kemarin kurang memuaskan. Tapi untuk seorang Gholy yang nggak ngerti bidang konstruksi sama sekali, banyak yang bilang "Lumayan....". Jadi makin semangat belajar-nya. Kekekekeke ^^/


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